【悼念】Joseph Schmidt Confections – CLOSED

【悼念】Joseph Schmidt Confections – CLOSED

這個星期在使用 Google Search 的時候,無意間讀到了這則令人遺憾的舊聞:我最鍾愛的巧克力店 Joseph Schmidt Confections,在 2009 年中停業了。

正如 San Francisco Chronicle 記者所說,Joseph Schmidt is known for its truffles and artistic packaging。1983 年在舊金山開幕,我住灣區時常光顧的是它位於 San Jose 的唯一一家分店。


Nomes L., Berkeley, CA
July 11, 2009

Joseph Schmidt,

My parents started eating your truffles right after I was born. In essence, these truffles have been part of my entire life. Yup almost 21 solid years of Schmidt truffles.

I can recall the gourmet foods store that sold these truffles individually in Illinois – the amazing warmth I felt when my mother would allow me to choose the flavor I wanted (mushroom, white chocolate with a rich, dark chocolate ganache). One for me, and one for my sister. That was the only reason I ever wanted to go shopping.

Every Christmas our family ordered the tissue paper boxes filled with the huge egg shaped chocolates for all our family friends and neighbors. The tradition has held for as long as I can remember. Come Christmas time, you can find a number of the beautiful empty boxes decorating the house.

When I moved to the Bay Area, I sought out the factory on my own just because I knew it was here. It was magical just to talk to the counter lady.

On a chance venture to the Scharffenberger store in Berkeley, I met you. You were signing boxes of chocolate. You signed a box for me, and told my boyfriend that he was a lucky guy. I think I blushed for an hour. The signed box sits prominently at my parent’s house.

Your truffles were more than chocolate, they were a way for my parents to show appreciation to the people around them in a warm, classy way, and Joseph Schmidt, was not just a company: they were for a long time, just the do-it-lovingly-by-hand chocolatier.

Thank you for being a part of my life, and making my childhood memories just a little bit sweeter. My entire family is sad to see the company go, but I know you’ll be back with something just as lovely hopefully in the near future.

Thank you again.

另一篇 New York Times 上的 Blog 文章:
《Bittersweet Memories of Joseph Schmidt Chocolates》


  1. 寫於 2007-04-27,最早發佈在無名小站《從竹科到矽谷》,後搬到 Blogger 並在隨意窩備份。
  2. 2019 年 9 月重新整理發佈於個人網站。
  3. 封面圖片:By Selina Ko, 2005-12-04.





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