
Me: In Chinese, we categorize people as “Red” and “Black”…
Boss: Why “Black” is good and “Red” is bad?
Me: No, no, no, “Red” is good; “Black” is bad.
(可是我心裡想,其實私底下我們是比較唾棄 “紅人” 而崇拜 “黑” 人,因為通常紅人都會招忌,大家覺得他們是因為很會拍馬屁才紅;而很 “黑” 的人多半是因為 “言人所不敢言“,敢於諍言上諫吧。大家對於 ”黑人“ 的同情跟崇拜,大概跟看待梁山泊好漢或七俠五義一樣。但這太難用英文解釋了。)
我接著用英文解釋”紅“ 與 ”黑“ 的定義:
Me: When someone is “Red”, his boss likes him — no matter what he does or what he does not do. He can get whatever resources he wants and do whatever tasks he likes. His proposals are always accepted by his boss. If he made mistakes, he can always get away from the mess and someone else will get the blame. But if he does do something right, he gets all the spotlight.
Me: And when someone is “Black”, his boss hates him — no matter what he does, or what he does not do. Not that he’s a bad person or he’s not good at doing his job, but just that his boss never appreciates his efforts. To the boss, no matter what he says or what he does is wrong. If he did something right, the credits are all other people’s. And if he made any mistakes — no matter how trivial — he’ll be dead.
老闆很快舉一反三,舉出公司 ”紅“ 與 ”黑“ 的不同例子,而且都很準確。看來相同的狀況在美國職場中也有,只是他們大概沒有發明出這麼含義豐富的字彙來形容。
然後我又舉了一些公司歷史中裡 ”由紅翻黑“ 的例子。
Boss: I’m happy that things do change…
我心想,Yeah, yeah, now you are Red. Should you become Black someday, you’ll know…
沒有黑過的人怎能體會黑人的痛苦。我在換部門之前可是黑到最高點 — 打先鋒和擦屁股的都是我,升官發財卻都沒有我… 那種鬱悶簡直已經到了有害健康的程度了。
後來我又想舉一些 ”由黑翻紅“ 的例子,可惜不管怎麼絞盡腦汁,都想不出來。是我官場經驗值還不夠嗎?還是根本就沒有這種豬羊變色的事?真是 ”由紅翻黑易,由黑變紅難“ 啊…
似乎有些人永遠都紅,只有 “Very Red” 跟 “Not So Red” 的區別,永遠扶搖直上;有些人卻永遠都黑,也只有 “Very Black” 跟 “Not So Black” 的區別,多做多錯,少做少錯,但是不做也錯。在組織裡這種人註定懷才不遇,除非換老闆…
而且所謂 ”紅“ 與 ”黑”,似乎是種 “旁觀者” 的評價。老闆自己大概不會對於底下的人採用這種分類法吧。他對屬下貼的標籤上面寫的大概是 “自己人” 跟 “外人” 兩種,而不是 “紅” 與 “黑”。
至於那些 “紅” 人,他們有意識到自己是 “紅” 的嗎?會因此 “恃龐而驕”,還是為了維持聖眷而更加戰戰兢兢,如履薄冰?或是他們跟本不覺得自己紅,老覺得 “敵人” 比自己更紅呢?
我越想越覺得這真是個有趣的問題,也許可以用英文把這種中國人的概念寫成一篇商學院的 “組織行為” 論文…
- 寫於 2004-04-20,最早發佈在無名小站《從竹科到矽谷》,後搬到 Blogger 並在隨意窩備份。
- 2019 年 8 月重新發佈於個人網站。
- 封面圖片:Photo by Elti Meshau from Pexels